To reach ATTENDANCE via email:
To reach ATTENDANCE by phone:
Pennridge High School main number = 215-453-6944
Press 1 for General Attendance THEN:
- Press 1 for Grade 9 attendance
- Press 2 for Grade 10 attendance
- Press 3 for Grade 11 attendance
- Press 4 for Grade 12 attendance
Regular school attendance is essential to the successful completion of the educational objectives of the school system. Students enrolled in Pennridge obligate themselves to regular and punctual attendance. They also obligate themselves to all work assigned in each course in which they are enrolled.
To participate in any activity or practice, a student must be at school before 9:15 am on the day of the event.
Pennridge School District Attendance Guidelines School laws of Pennsylvania require all students of compulsory school age to attend school regularly. The
Pennridge School District recognizes that attendance is an important factor in educational success, and supports a comprehensive approach to identify and address attendance issues.
If a student is absent from school on a particular day, then he/she is not permitted to attend/participate in any after school activity. After school activities include (but are not limited to): sports, concerts, dances, school play practice, ski/snowboard club, etc. This practice encourages our students to be present for their academic day so they can enjoy the fun of our after school activities. We appreciate parent/guardian support with this policy.
Parental Notice of Absence
Absences shall be treated as unlawful until the district receives a written excuse note sent to the office explaining the absence. Any child who is absent from school must present a parental excuse within three days of a student's absence. Unless an excuse is presented within three (3) school days after the student returns to school, the absences will be counted as unlawful. Any note should be brought to school and given to the attendance secretary, or the attendance officer following any absence. We will also accept excuse notes via three other means, these include a faxed document, an e-mail, or a telephone call. This communication must include the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent's signature.
Please check with your student’s building for the email address of the attendance office.
A maximum of ten (10) days of cumulative lawful absences verified by parental notification shall be permitted during a school year.
Once a student accumulates ten (10) absences covered by parental written excuse, or ten (10) cumulative excused and unexcused absences, all subsequent absences shall require an excuse from a medical provider or licensed practitioner of the healing arts.
Cumulative Absences
The following conditions or situations constitute reasonable cause for absence from school:
● Illness
● Family emergency.
● Non-school-sponsored educational tours or trips, if the following conditions are met:
○ The parent/guardian submits a written request for excusal prior to the absence. Family Vacation Trip Form
○ The student's participation has been approved by the Superintendent or designee.
● Other urgent reasons. Urgent reasons shall be strictly construed and do not permit irregular attendance.
Non-Cumulative Absences
• Illness or Quarantine verified by a doctor’s note
• Obtaining professional health care or therapy service rendered by a licensed practitioner of the healing arts in any state, commonwealth or territory.
• Death in the family (note required)
• Verified Court attendance
• Religious holiday as designated by the Department of Education (note required)
• Administrative reasons - school activities, field trip, mentoring programs.
• AIP (Alternative Instructional Placement)
• Out-of-School Suspension
• Three college visits with pre-approved college visitation form. College Visitation Form
Unlawful Absences
All absences for reasons other than those cited above will be considered “unlawful”. When a student accumulates three days of unlawful absence in a school year the principal shall send an official notice to the parent/guardian. In addition, at the fourth unlawful absence, a School Attendance Improvement Plan (SAIP) meeting will be held to implement a plan to improve student attendance. Parent/Guardian will receive an invitation to this meeting and are encouraged to attend and assist in development of the plan.
Habitually truant shall mean six (6) or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year by a child subject to compulsory school attendance.
Truant shall mean having incurred three (3) or more school days of unexcused absences during the current school year by a child subject to compulsory school attendance.
For each incident of unlawful absence after the sixth unlawful absence, the principal or, attendance officer shall do one or more of the following: refer the child to an attendance improvement program, refer to Children and Youth or file a truancy citation with the District Magistrate.
Submitting Excuse Notes
Faxing Excuse Notes – (215) 257-3547 In an attempt to accommodate parents who have access to FAX machines, Pennridge High School will accept excuse notes for student’s absences when faxed to the high school within three days of a student’s absence. The dated FAXED excuse note must include the date of the absence, the reason for the absence, and the parent’s signature. Direct all FAXED notes to the attention of the attendance secretary.
We will excuse the following with a note from a parent or guardian:
1- sick
2- medical appointment
3- family emergency
If a note is not submitted within three school days of the tardy, the tardy to school is considered unexcused.
Consequences for Unexcused tardies to school per marking period are as follows:
3rd = counselor conference
6th = 2 after school detentions/administrative conference
9th = 1 Saturday morning detentions (loss of parking)
12th = 1 Saturday morning community services
The chart will reset each marking period.
Students who enter the building after 7:15 am should check in at the attendance office.
Students are not permitted to leave school grounds at any time during the school day without permission from the appropriate grade level administrator or school nurse. Failure to follow the proper procedures for leaving school may result in disciplinary action.
A student will be excused from school prior to dismissal time if he or she has a permission note from a parent or guardian. This note must be presented to the attendance office upon arrival on the day of the request. A parent or guardian is required to come into the building, present identification and sign the student out of school. If a student is a driver with a designated parking spot at Pennridge they will be allowed to drive home without a parent signing them out.
If a parent/guardian fails to send a note for early dismissal, please contact the attendance office before the early dismissal. Early dismissals without notice are not encouraged. Early dismissals will be limited to medical appointments. Return notes verifying doctor’s visits are required when the student returns to school. Students are encouraged to attend school prior to, and after, all doctor, dental and special appointments.
An early dismissal becomes a half-day absence if they leave before 12:15 pm without a doctor’s note.
It will be considered a full day absence if a student leaves prior to 10:15 am without a doctor’s note.
Technical School students must obtain an early dismissal permission slip from the home school attendance office before departure to the Upper Bucks County Tech School. Parents or others designated by parents must meet students in the main office. If possible, all dental and medical appointments should be scheduled after 2:15 p.m., in the evenings, on school holidays or on Saturdays.
Students who have an abbreviated school day may not leave school and return to school grounds or to the building unless they have the permission of their grade level administrator. These students also must gain permission if they wish to stay in the building past their scheduled end of the day.