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Performing Arts





Welcome to the Performing Arts at Pennridge High School!

Please see the menu options to learn about our music and theater programs. 

For more information or if you have any questions about the many opportunities at PHS, please be sure to email one of the high school music directors. 

We look forward to having you at our performances throughout the year!   


Mission Statement

The Pennridge Performing Arts Department strives to provide a well-rounded education for students interested in music, theater, and beyond. Not only do we hope to create fantastic artists, but we also hope to show students how to be empathetic, creative, and hard-working leaders in and around their school communities.

Check out our latest video here:

Beginning Strings
Marching Band 2
Chamber Caroling
Pre Concert
ZWinter Concert
Jazz 1
Symphonic Band
Chamber strings
Full Orchestra
Jazz 2
Jazz 3
Jazz 4
Jazz 5
Jazz 6
Jazz 7
Jazz 8
Jazz 9
JaZZ 10
jAZZ 11
Jazz 12
Jazz Trio 2
Mr. Feher
Jazz Trio
Symphonic Band 2
Symphonic Band 3