Mission & Belief Statements
Pennridge High School Mission Statement
Pennridge High School, as part of a broader community, will foster a sense of responsibility empowering all students to participate in a diverse and innovative range of opportunities to achieve their academic goals and to become vital members of society.
Pennridge High School Recognition Statements
We recognize that:
Each member of the Pennridge community is worthy of being treated with dignity and respect.
It is the joint responsibility of students, parents, staff, and the community to ensure an educational environment that will enable all individuals to realize their potential.
Pennridge High School Belief Statements
That all students should be able to attain the skills necessary to successfully compete on the 21st-century global stage.
We believe:
That all students should be provided with thought-provoking, meaningful curricula that inspire lifelong learning.
That all students should be able to communicate convincingly and effectively through verbal, written, and artistic expression.
That all students should be encouraged to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
That all students should be able to demonstrate technological competency.
That all students should be able to engage in the free exchange of ideas in a safe and supportive environment.